Think Before You Start - Discuss
What makes playtime so important?
Why do we schedule playtime when we do?
Get the transcriptQuick-Fire Questions
- Do children need playtime, and why?
- How much playtime do you have in school and how do you spend it?
- How could playtime be better in your school?
- How can you make playtime more educational?
Key Words -
Can you use them in a sentence?
Playtime: a period of time in the school day when children are allowed to go outside and play.
Skill: the ability to do something well or with expertise.
Be The Teacher -
Fix this broken sentence!
Scientists, have evidence that says shorter play times can put children in bad moods making it harder too work in the classroom?
Stretch Yourself...
Write a short letter to ask your headteacher their thoughts on playtime and to request any changes you think are important.
Go Create...
Create a poster or video explaining the benefits of playing different games together.

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Find out more“They were gripped from the very first lesson and this enthusiasm was maintained throughout, provoking in-depth discussions. Through meaningful activities such as report writing, questioning and interviews, every lesson gradually built upon the last and included planning, stimulus videos and tech guidance too. ”
Laura Venn,
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In a four month research study supported by the UCL Institute of Education, we worked with 200 KS2 students across three schools to measure the efficacy of our approach.
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