Think Before You Start - Discuss
What could be the problem with using plastic bags?
What are the benefits of using plastic bags?
Get the transcriptQuick-Fire Questions
- Why do people use plastic bags?
- Why are plastic bags a problem for the environment?
- Do you believe plastic bags should be banned everywhere, and why?
- What alternatives to plastic bags do you believe should be widely used, and why?
Key Words -
Can you use them in a sentence?
Plastic bag: a bag made of thin, flexible plastic, usually with handles and supplied by shops to carry goods purchased there.
The environment: the natural world as a whole, especially as affected by human activity.
Be The Teacher -
Fix this broken sentence!
plastic bags are usful and convenient especally when you go shopping but they also have a magor impact on the environment.
Stretch Yourself...
Write a for/against argument for using plastic bags in shops.
Go Create...
Design something created from recycled plastic bags. See ‘Wasteboards’ for a real world idea.

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