Think Before You Start - Discuss

Are there any trees or wooded areas you love going to? Why?

What effect do trees have on you and where you live?

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Quick-Fire Questions

  1. Why are trees important?
  2. Describe a park or wooded area near where you live. Why is it important to your community?
  3. If your school organised for you to plant trees in your local area, where would be the best place, and why?
  4. What would you need to think about before planting a tree in your local area?

Key Words -
Can you use them in a sentence?

Tree planting: the process of planting tree seedlings.

Deforestation: Clearing large areas of trees or forests by cutting them down in order to use the land for non-forest purposes.

Be The Teacher -
Fix this broken sentence!

you may not notise it from where you live, but more and more trees our being cut down each year. Were losing almost 20 football pitches worth of trees every minute and that’s alot!

Stretch Yourself...

Write a short story about a tree and what it sees as it grows.

Go Create...

Use outdoor materials to write a pro-tree planting slogan or draw a poster using only images of leaves to spell out the words.

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Wall of Fame!

Thomas, age 9

Trees are so important as they produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. They are also homes and shelters for many animals and provide shade for many others.

Marketon  Park, near when I live, is important as it provides water, shelter, food and shade. It is also planting more and more trees to make a forest.

The best place for new trees would be Marketon Park as it has lots of room, and is nearby to the school so will be easy to get the trees and children there.

We would need to think about the local environment and the amount of space before planting or sowing.

Why are trees important?

Trees are important because without any trees we won’t have any oxygen to breathe and we will have no tissues to use. No one should be cutting down trees because how would they like it if they could not breathe, because someone else was cutting down trees.

Describe a wooded area near where you live. Why is it important to your community?

It is important to the community because trash can pollute the air so all the air trees give is just polluted, and no one wants a dirty park full of trash everywhere.

If your school organised for you to plant trees in your local area, where would be the best place and why?

I would plant a tree in a park because the mud is moist and rain and shine normally comes, and lots of people go there for exercise and planting a tree can help lots of people to breathe.

What would you need to think about before planting a tree
in your local area?

You need to think about where there is space and make sure the mud is not dry and make sure it is moist, give it water everyday also plant it with your heart.

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