Think Before You Start - Discuss
What different types of music are there and why do people listen to them?
Why do you think music effects people?
Get the transcriptQuick-Fire Questions
- What types of music do you like to listen to, and why?
- Describe some different ways that people use and listen to music.
- How do you feel when you listen to music that you like?
- What musical instrument would you love to play, and why?
Key Words -
Can you use them in a sentence?
Music: the art of composing and performing vocal, instrumental and natural sounds.
Listen: giving your active attention to sounds you hear.
Be The Teacher -
Fix this broken sentence!
Weather someone is lisening to pop rock dance country or classical — music have the power to make us all smile
Stretch Yourself...
Write a short newspaper article about how music can affect people.
Go Create...
Create a playlist of different music you like for different moods/situations you are in, e.g. running, to be calm, to sleep to.
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