Think Before You Start - Discuss
What is a ‘dairy product’? Where do they come from?
Why might some people have a problem with eating dairy products, and what alternatives might there be?
Get the transcriptQuick-Fire Questions
- Why do humans consume milk and dairy products?
- Do you consume dairy products or not, and why?
- Do you believe humans should consume dairy products or not, and why?
- What dairy alternatives would you consume, and why?
Key Words -
Can you use them in a sentence?
Dairy: food or drinks made from or containing milk.
Dairy alternative: foods or drinks made from plant-based milks, often used to replace dairy products in a person’s diet.
Be The Teacher -
Fix this broken sentence!
Diary products are, any food or drink that been maid from the milk of a mammal
Stretch Yourself...
Write a short letter to a cow telling it what you think about dairy products!
Go Create...
Create a chart of the alternatives to cow’s milk. What would each different type of milk go well with? e.g. Almond milk with cereal.

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Find out more“Every lesson in Why I Play was planned meticulously and backed up with videos that had the children in stitches! The project stretched me as a teacher and allowed me to bring in my own interests for use of EdTech and filming within the curriculum.”
Richard Allen,
Copenhagen Primary School
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In a four month research study supported by the UCL Institute of Education, we worked with 200 KS2 students across three schools to measure the efficacy of our approach.
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