Think Before You Start - Discuss
What are the benefits of going to after school clubs?
Does your school offer enough different after-school clubs?
Get the transcriptQuick-Fire Questions
- What after-school clubs have you attended, and why?
- What is your favourite after-school club, and why?
- What after-school club would you love your school to offer, and why?
- Are after-school clubs as important as normal lessons, and why?
Key Words -
Can you use them in a sentence?
Extracurricular: activities that you can in school that are not part of your normal school timetable.
Club: a group of people that meet regularly to learn or practise a hobby, skill or educational activity.
Be The Teacher -
Fix this broken sentence!
spending time with friends’ and learning, new skills helps children to be confadent and independant
Stretch Yourself...
Write a diary entry imagining the first time you attend a brand new after-school club. What was it like?
Go Create...
Create a piece of art for a new after school club that you know would be popular. Include information for children and parents to persuade.
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