
Quick-Fire Questions

Y Cyflym-soddi Cwestiynau:
  1. Pa blastigau untro ydych chi’n eu defnyddio, ac a allech chi ddefnyddio llai?
  2. Pam mae plastigau untro yn broblem i’r blaned?
  3. Sut allech chi annog pobl eraill i ddefnyddio llai o blastig untro?
  4. Sut le fydd y blaned yn y flwyddyn 2050 os na fyddwn yn lleihau cynhyrchu plastig a llygredd arall?

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“Combining traditional and digital literacy was a dream. The children were so much more engaged from the get-go. Personally, I thought the project was amazing. ”

Carla Reeves,
Leasowes Primary School

The research behind LitFilmFest

In a four month research study supported by the UCL Institute of Education, we worked with 200 KS2 students across three schools to measure the efficacy of our approach.

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