Think Before You Start - Discuss

Have you ever been on an adventure?

Now download the extract and listen to the author read along with you.

Download the extract

Quick-Fire Questions

  1. Can you describe Beth French’s adventures in a few sentences?
  2. How does the author mix speech and narrative?
  3. Which writing techniques are used to describe action?
  4. Which words show how Beth was feeling?
  5. What was Beth told to do if she ever met a shark?

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“Children are expected to make six points of progress a year. All my class made at least two points progress in seven weeks, with others making between three and five!”

Graham Andre,
Lanesend Primary School

The research behind LitFilmFest

In a four month research study supported by the UCL Institute of Education, we worked with 200 KS2 students across three schools to measure the efficacy of our approach.

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