Quick-Fire Questions
Y Cyflym-soddi Cwestiynau:
- Pam fysa athletwyr a mabolgampwyr yn defnyddio cyffuriau sy’n gwella perfformiad?
- Ydych chi’n credu ei bod hi’n deg i rai mabolgampwyr ddefnyddio cyffuriau gwella perfformiad pan nad yw eraill yn gwneud hynny
- A ddylid y defnydd o gyffuriau gwella perfformiad fod yn gyfreithlon ym mhob chwaraeon?
- Pe byddech chi’n athletwr proffesiynol, a fyddech chi’n defnyddio cyffuriau gwella perfformiad neu ddim, a pham?

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Find out more“Every lesson in Why I Play was planned meticulously and backed up with videos that had the children in stitches! The project stretched me as a teacher and allowed me to bring in my own interests for use of EdTech and filming within the curriculum.”
Richard Allen,
Copenhagen Primary School
The research behind LitFilmFest
In a four month research study supported by the UCL Institute of Education, we worked with 200 KS2 students across three schools to measure the efficacy of our approach.
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