Quick-Fire Questions

Y Cyflym-soddi Cwestiynau:
  1. Pam mae gwneud gweithredoedd da yn bwysig i unigolion a’r gymuned ehangach?
  2. Pa weithredoedd da ydych chi wedi’u gwneud yn ddiweddar, a pham wnaethon nhw wahaniaeth?
  3. Pa weithredoedd da allech chi eu gwneud yn yr ysgol ac yn eich ardal leol?
  4. A fyddai’n well gennych waith cartref traddodiadol, neu weithred dda bob dydd am wythnos, a pham?

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“I’m not sure who’s having more fun, teacher or kids!”

Kate Marshall,
Ingatestone and Fryerning Junior School

The research behind LitFilmFest

In a four month research study supported by the UCL Institute of Education, we worked with 200 KS2 students across three schools to measure the efficacy of our approach.

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