Pupil Prime Minister Examples
Lesson 1 – Project Introduction
Lesson 2 – Party Manifesto
Lesson 2- How To Film
Lesson 3,5,7 – Choose three of the following issues below to explore with your class:
Issue 1: Transport
Issue 2: Energy
Issue 3: Food
Issue 4: Recycling
Issue 5: Tax
Issue 6: National Service
Lesson 4, 6, 8 – How To Record
Lesson 9 – Closing Speech
Lesson 10 – How To Film & Complete Your Project
Using Adobe Spark to make a simple video
“The peer assessment and sentence level work that is built into the project is something that not only cuts down on my marking but develops a culture of improvement that really works. Ideas and best practice are shared amongst the class in a scaffolded way that allows all abilities to thrive. ”
Richard Piggford,
STEP Turnham Academy
The research behind LitFilmFest
In a four month research study supported by the UCL Institute of Education, we worked with 200 KS2 students across three schools to measure the efficacy of our approach.
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